Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc




Laboratory for Nano Maganetic Materials and Devices

Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi)

144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 84 4 754 7203 - Fax: 84 4 754 7460

E-mail: [email protected]

Distinguished Guests
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all please accept our warm greetings from Hanoi, Vietnam to all of you in Hong Kong and Nansha.

It is a great honor for the Colege of Technology, Vietnam National Universiity Hanoi to participate in the organization of the Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics by videotelecasting. On behalf of the organizers in Hanoi, I would like to warmly welcome you, the invited guests and all participants. I wish you all a good health, useful discussions and a great success at this conference.

Dear friends and colleagues,

Bioinformatics is one of the important scientific area in the 21st century. However, this is still new in Vietnam. We, therefore, consider this conference and the activities connected to it as a great opportunity for Vietnamese scientists to get access to this new field of study and research. Indeed, since last week, a large number of scientists from different institutions and all parts of Vietnam and also from other country have been participating the InCoB2007 Training Workshop on Bioinformatics at our College of Technology and they all are present to participate on-line in this conference.

I am happy to inform you that the interest to this conference and its activities comes from scientists not in Biotechnology, but also from scientists from other fields like Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Engineering Physics and Nanobiotechnology. It is our great pleasure also to have colleagues from Laos PDR at this meeting. Clearly, this event is a good opportunity to bring scientists from different fields together to build up a multidisciplinary field of study and research in our country. The InCoB2007, therefore, is an important event in the development of Bioinformatics in Vietnam.

On this occasion, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the international and the local organizers of this conference, among the local organizers, the Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology and The College of Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi, that they all have contributed great efforts to make this event happen and a success. We also sincerely appreciate the support from FAOBMB, IUBMB, APBIONET, ISCB and UNESCO to sponsor these actvities. In particular, I would like to thank Prof. Tan Tin Wee from Singapore, Prof. Martti Tammi from Sweden and Dr. Chuong Huynh from the USA who have given high level lectures and a lot of support to the participants of the training workshop in Hanoi.

Once again all the best for all of you and a great success to the InCoB2007 confrerence.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech delivered by Videoconferencing (using VClass) transmitted over TEIN2 and APAN network links between HKUST, Hong Kong and Coltech, VNU, Hanoi, Vietnam on 28th August 2007, 9.30am.

BioData of Nguygen Huu Duc

Date of birth:
December 15, 1958

Place of birth: Quang Binh, Vietnam

Marital status: Married, 2 children.

Home address: 19B21, 629/15 Kim Ma Street, Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam

Prof. Nguyen Huu Duc joined the Cryogenic Laboratory as researcher immediately after his graduation from the group in 1980. His thesis research concerned the Metamagnetism of Itinerant Electrons in Rare Earth – Transition Metal Intermetallics. He obtained his doctor degree in the same group in 1988 and until now he has been teaching courses in Physics and  Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions. In the period passed he extended his research on various aspects of magnetism, such as: 4f-3d exchange interactions; magnetovolume effects, maganeto‑transport properties; surface magnetism in thin films and nanostructured magnetic materials. He has received the French habilitation in Physics at the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble in 1997 and became a full professor of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi in 2004.

Prof. Duc is author of 100 scientific papers in various international journals and of 5 monographs published in recent volumes of the Handbook of Magnetic Materials and the Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths (Elsevier Science Publisher). He has been in intensive collaboration with scientists from various institutions and universities of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Moscow (Russia), Tokyo, Kyushu and Ritsumeikan (Japan), Paris-Sud, Rouen and Brest (France), Prague (Czech) and from the Laboratory Louis Neél, CNRS (Grenoble, France). He has given invited talks at the International Conference on Magnetism in 1991 at Edinburg (Scotland), Joint European Magnetic Symposia in 2001 at Grenoble, Rare-Earths in 2004 at Nara, International Conference on Magnetism in 2006 at Kyoto and at several international symposia and workshops. He has also been nominated as an associate and/or visiting professor at French Universities, such as the University of Rouen in the period 1997-2001 and the Joseph Fourier University of Grenoble in 2003.

His current research interests are focussed on nano-structured magnetic materials and devices, and in particular, the magnetostrictive exchange-spring multilayers, multiferroic nanostructures.

Recent significant publications (2001-2006)

1. N.H. Duc, Giant magnetostriction in lanthanide - transition metal thin films, in: Handbook on Magnetic Materials, K.H.J. Buschow ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2001, vol. 32, chapter 205.

2. N.H. Duc and P.E. Brommer, Formation of 3d moment and spin fluctuations in rare-earth - cobalt compounds, in: Handbook on Magnetic Materials, K.H.J. Buschow ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1999, vol. 12, chapter 3.

3. N.H. Duc and P.E. Brommer, Magnetoelasticity of nanoscale heterogeneous magnetic materials, in: Handbook on Magnetic Materials, K.H.J. Buschow ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002, vol. 14, chapter 2.

4. N.H. Duc, T.M. Danh, , N.A. Tuan and  J. Teillet, Large magnetostrictive susceptibility in TbFeCo/FeCo multilayers, Appl. Phys. Lett., 78 (2001) 3648.

5. N.H. Duc, Developments of giant low-field magnetostriction in TerfecoHan based single layer, multilayer and sandwich films.

Invited paper presented at Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Grenoble 2001, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 242-245 (2002) 1411.

6. N.H. Duc, D.T. Huong Giang, A. Fnidiki and J. Teillet, Nanostructure and magnetic properties of Fe0.56Cu0.46 films, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 262 (2003) 420.

7.      D.T. Huong Giang, N.H. Duc, F. Richommer and S. Schulze, Nanostructure and magnetic softness of magnetostrictive Terfecohan/YFeCo multilayers, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 262 (2003) 361.

8.      N.H. Duc, V.N. Thuc, D.T. Huong Giang, N.T. Minh Hong and N. Chau, Magnetisation process and magnetostriction in Fe/Terfecohan/Fe sandwich films with perpendicular, Physica B327 (2003) 328.

9.      N.H. Duc and P.E. Brommer, Magnetic properties of Tb1-xYx(Co,Si)2 compounds,  J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 262 (2003) 472.

10.  D.T. Kim Anh, N.P. Thuy, N.H. Duc, T.T. Nhien and N.V. Nong, Magnetism and magnetocaloric effects in (La,Nd)(Fe,Si)13 compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 262 (2003) 427.

11.       N.H. Duc, D.T. Huong Giang and N. Chau, Natural nanostructure and magnetization reversal process in TbFeCo/Yx(FeCo)1-x spring - magnets type multilayers, Presented at the International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Technology, Taipei 2003, to be published in J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2004.

12.  D.T. Huong Giang, N.H. Duc, V.N. Thuc, L.V. Vu and N. Chau, Combining large magnetostriction and large magnetostrictive susceptibility in novel TbFeCo/YxFe1-x spring - magnets type multilayers, Appl. Phys. Letters (2004).

13.  N.H. Duc and D.T. Huong Giang, Discontinuous spring magnet type magnetostrictive Terfecohan/YFeCo multilayers: a novel nanostructured material principle for excellent magnetic softness, invited paper presented at ICM’06 (Kyoto), to be published in J. Magn. Magn. Mater., (2007).

14.       N.H. Duc, N.T. Minh Hong, J. Teillet, Longitudinal Hall effect in Terfecohan thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, to be published in J. Magn. Magn. Mater., (2007).


Current Research

1.    Surface magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction in thin films and nanostructured materials.

2.    4f‑3d magnetism in amorphous systems.

3.    Magnetostriction in thin films and applications

4.    Giant magnetoresistance in rare earth - transition metal nanostructured materials with perperndicular magnetic anisotropy.

5.    Multiferroic, magnetostrictive/piezo composites and devices.