Highlight submissions
We invite extended abstracts on high-impact, recent peer-reviewed journal papers (typically impact factor greater than 5) that have been published or accepted for publication to submit an abstract indicating ‘highlight’ in the cover letter. Evidence of publication or acceptance must be included in the submission.
Prior to submission, all extended abstract authors must confirm they have read, understood and agreed to the abstract submission rules and guidelines. The presenting/corresponding author confirms that each co-author has been informed of the abstract submission and has agreed to all information as it was submitted. At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for InCoB 2023, settle conference registration fee and present the highlight at the conference venue.
Please refer to these guidelines for the submission to the highlight track. The template for highlight abstract can be downloaded here and must be submitted by 31 August 2023.
To submit an extended abstract for a highlight, please go to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=incob2023
Lightning/flash talk submissions
Lightning/flash talks are short talks (five to seven minutes). This was first tried at InCoB 2019 in the form of flash presentations. This format encourages wider participation beyond the main programme (oral, poster, demo (software/technology/methodology/resource/tool/database), breakout, highlight, and workshop or tutorial) as open research/education/service content under the conference theme. If you are interested to give a lightning talk, please submit an extended abstract by 31 Aug 2023, following the template here.
To submit an extended abstract for lightning talk, please go to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=incob2023
All selected extended abstract will be made available on the F1000 website as part of an e-proceeding.