Guidelines for Oral Presentations
- Each presenter will be given a time slot of 15 minutes in total, which includes 10 to 12 minutes presentation and 3 to 5 minutes for questions.
- Presentations should not exceed their allocated time.
- Presentation slides must cover the materials as cited in the abstract.
- Speakers are encouraged to have their completed presentation on a USB/Flash drive in 16:9 (widescreen) format. The USB/Flash drive should be presented to the operator during registration.
- In order have seamless transitions between presentations, speakers are not allowed to use their own laptops. All slideshows will be copied onto main presentation device.
- The computer is equipped with Windows 10 as well as Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Office), Google Chrome, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Only fonts that are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts can impact the layout and visual of the presentation. If
speakers insist on using different fonts, these fonts must be embedded into presentation.
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
- Poster should be in an A1 size. The Orientation of your poster must be in portrait style.
- The poster should be easily readable at a distance of one meter.
- Avoid using a mixture of type/font styles.
- Materials to pin poster will be provided by the conference organizing committee at the registration desk.
- There is no printing service on the conference venue. Please bring your printed copy with you to avoid inconvenience.
- The poster must be presented by one of the co-authors as mentioned in your original submission. Proxy presentations are not allowed.
- You are requested to set up your poster in the morning of the first day of the conference i.e. November 13, 2023.
- Each poster will be assigned a poster number. Please watch out this space for your poster number.
- Please ensure that your poster is displayed exactly on the poster board carrying the number assigned to you.
- Presenting authors should be available at their poster display position during the poster session allotted to them (first and second day; i.e. 13 and 14 Nov) for discussion with conference participants and judges who will view and optionally discuss their poster contents at their convenience.
- Odd serial numbered posters will be presented on the second day of the conference (November 13, 2023). Even serial numbered posters will be presented on the third day of the conference
(November 14, 2023) - Posters need to be removed at the end of the day (after 5 pm) on the day of their poster presentation.
- Each poster will require that at least one author has registered for the conference exclusively representing that poster. If none of the authors of the poster has registered for the conference, the poster boards will not be issued to the poster.
- One best poster cash award of AUD 250 (is provided by MDPI Journal – Cancers).